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How Peripheral Neuropathy Research Aids Treatment of Neuropathy

Jun 29, 2018 | neuropathy

What Peripheral Neuropathy Research Entails

Peripheral neuropathy has been a popular medical term these days. Consequently, this serious medical condition affects many people. Before now, medical experts who engaged in peripheral neuropathy research have not provided clear-cut treatments.

The US National Institute of Health asserts that about 20 million Americans suffer from some form of peripheral neuropathy. One type, trauma damage to the peripheral nervous system, can cause numbness, weakness, or pain.  Also, it affects people with cancer, diabetes, and even multiple sclerosis.

Here at Epic Healthcare & Physical Medicine, you have the most advanced technology and techniques in treating peripheral neuropathy. If you experience any peripheral neuropathy symptoms, our use of peripheral neuropathy research findings can improve or even heal your condition. You can call us at (972) 355-0083.

Fighting Peripheral Neuropathy with Peripheral Neuropathy Research

Knowing the effect and causes of the disease can help you understand peripheral neuropathy. Peripheral neuropathy research has confirmed this condition afflicts the human nervous system (peripheral nerves).

The condition mostly affects either the hands or feet but can also affect other places of the body. When this happens, the person will start feeling pain, numbness, or weakness in the affected area.

Your peripheral nervous system functions by sending messages from the brain and spinal cord (which makes up your nervous system) to every part of your body.

On occassion, peripheral neuropathy can result from traumatic injuries. Other causes include: inherited medical conditions, infections, metabolism disorder, and exposure and contact with harmful toxins. Additionally, diabetes mellitus is one of the most chronic causes of peripheral neuropathy, according to modern peripheral neuropathy research findings.

Peripheral Neuropathy Research Identifies Causes and Factors

  • Effects of diabetes – Innovative peripheral neuropathy research has discovered the majority of people with peripheral neuropathy also have a history of diabetic conditions.
  • Effects of medications – People who take certain medications for cancer treatment are susceptible to developing one or more form of peripheral neuropathy.
  • Impact of Alcoholism – Your diet can cause you to have one or more forms of peripheral neuropathy, according to the latest peripheral neuropathy research findings. Alcoholism causes your vitamin levels to deteriorate, which leads to peripheral neuropathy.
  • Exposure to harmful substances – Unfortunately, exposure to dangerous and life-threatening substances like chemicals and heavy metals cause far-reaching effects.
  • Autoimmune diseases – Examples of these include: arthritis, rheumatoid, demyelinating polyneuropathy, and chronic inflammatory.
  • Deficiency in Vitamin Levels – Lacking basic vitamin level in Vitamin B (B1, B6, 12,), as well as deficiency in Vitamin E, can lead to peripheral neuropathy damages.
  • Other chronic and dangerous diseases – Diseases such as connective tissue disorder, kidney diseases, and liver diseases can also cause peripheral neuropathy.

At Epic Healthcare & Physical Medicine – (972) 355-0083, our Medicare experts know the latest about peripheral neuropathy. We have the most advanced equipment to diagnose and treat your disease. Once we have identified the type of your peripheral neuropathy, we employ the latest peripheral neuropathy research in solving your situation.

What Peripheral Neuropathy Research Reveals About the Various Symptoms

Every nerve in the human nervous system functions in a unique way. To understand this better, let’s look at the classifications of the body’s nerves:

  • Motor nerves –Responsible for controlling the muscular movement of the body.
  • Sensory nerves – These receive, record, and interpret bodily sensations. For instance, variations in temperature, vibration, touch, or pain through the skin.
  • Autonomic nerves – Control the functions of the bladder and digestive system. Also, responsible for the performance of blood flow and heart rate.

Based on the above-mentioned categories of nerves and taking into consideration the latest peripheral neuropathy research, symptoms include:

  • A steady but continuous increase and feeling of numbness, weakness, prickling and/or tingling in affected areas such as on the hands or feet. Additionally, this feeling can spread into the legs or arms.
  • Increased sensitivity to touch.
  • Feeling of jabbing, stabbing, burning, throbbing or sharp pain.
  • Inability to coordinate ones’ movement resulting in falls. Finally,
  • If motor nerves become severely affected, muscular weaknesses and paralysis can occur.

Effects on Autonomous Nerves

Consequently, if autonomous nerves sustain damage, the signs, and symptoms might appear as follows:

  • Heat intolerance and inability to sweat,
  • Bowel, bladder, or digestive issues, as well as,
  • Changes in blood pressure, lightheadedness, and dizziness.

The latest peripheral neuropathy research has shown the disease can damage a single nerve in the body in a condition known as ‘mononeuropathy.’ Several nerves affected called ‘multiple mononeuropathies.’ Finally, ‘polyneuropathy’ spreads throughout the body.

Epic Healthcare & Physical Medicine professionals can easily and quickly determine the type of peripheral neuropathy you suffer from. We research the solution and bring you back to a quality of life again. Do you want a life-changing experience? Just call us at (972) 355-0083, so we can provide you with the right treatment.

Peripheral Neuropathy Research Findings Can Prevent Peripheral Neuropathy

Most people aware of peripheral neuropathy have asked how they can prevent the disease. Here at Epic Healthcare & Physical Medicine, we implement recommendations from recent peripheral neuropathy research. Also, we are fully equipped and experienced to handle any case relating to neuropathy damage.

Additionally, using recent peripheral neuropathy research, Epic Healthcare & Physical Medicine has discovered ways to help you prevent the disease. Such medical challenges include: rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, and extreme alcoholism. If you have any of these problems, call us at (972) 355-0083. Our experienced and qualified practitioners can help you tackle such ailments. We can help you minimize the risk of the disease through modern peripheral neuropathy research.

Some suggestions and recommendations from new peripheral neuropathy research and findings aimed at preventing this disease include:

  • Stay away from anything causing more damage to your nerves. To name a few: repetitive motion, smoking, too much alcohol, and exposure to toxic materials. Also,
  • Work out regularly – Under your doctor’s guidance, do daily exercise for 30 minutes. Additionally,
  • Maintain a good diet eating healthy food. Include: fruits, vegetables, healthy proteins, and grains.

Contact Epic Healthcare & Physical Medicine (972) 355-0083 for more information on resolving your issues utilizing the latest peripheral neuropathy research.