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How Long Does Spinal Decompression Last?

Sep 15, 2015 | chiropractic treatment, Chiropractor, Spinal decompression

Spinal decompression is quickly becoming a popular non-surgical option for people who suffer from bulging or herniated discs, or those who suffer from sciatica.  It is becoming a treatment method for many types of spinal and neck issues as well.  The goal of spinal decompression therapy is to remove pressure from the discs in the spine that are causing pain and mobility problems.  This is done by laying either face up or face down on a traction table.  The patient’s upper body and lower body are secured to the top and bottom sides of the traction table.  A computer controls the table and the two halves are gently pulled apart, stretching the patient’s spine and creating negative space to help alleviate symptoms and promote faster healing.

Benefits of Spinal Decompression

Spinal decompression therapy is a very safe, FDA cleared therapy that can greatly improve your quality of life by reducing pain and increasing mobility.  The benefits of spinal decompression are often noticed after the first few visits.  Each session typically lasts between 30 and 45 minutes.  These spinal decompression sessions are painless and often relaxing as some patients fall asleep during the procedure.  Many patients enjoy the sessions and find them quite relaxing.

The most sought after and noticeable benefit from spinal decompression therapy is relief from painful symptoms.  These symptoms can include pain, muscle weakness, and numbness in the legs or arms, as well as reduced mobility.  Undergoing spinal decompression therapy often alleviates these symptoms by removing the pressure from the nerves in the spine.  The negative pressure also allows for an increased flow of oxygen and vital nutrients to help heal the area.

Spinal decompression can also increase mobility for the patient.  Many people who suffer from chronic back and neck pain would improve with exercise; however because of the pain they are feeling in their neck and back, often exercise is often unappealing or out of the question.  By undergoing a set of spinal decompression treatments, after the spine has rested and recovered, most patients are able to have full, painless mobility.  This makes exercise possible again for those patients who may have had a difficult time exercising before.

Increased mobility and lack of pain also makes it easier for more people to return to work with minimal or even no restrictions.  Due to the non-invasive nature of spinal decompression therapy, people are able to get these results with a shorter recovery time and without having to worry about the risks associated with surgery.  The benefits of spinal decompression are long lasting except in the event that another injury occurs.

The effects of spinal decompression therapy are long lasting.  Many people have said that spinal decompression has given them their lives back because they are able to work, play with their children, and exercise pain free.

How Spinal Decompression Works

As the computer operated traction table gently stretches your spine, a slight suction force forms which pulls bulging or herniated discs back into alignment.  This takes added pressure off of pinched nerves and corrects any painful misalignments that could not be adjusted otherwise.  The negative pressure also increases blood flow to the area which brings extra oxygen and nutrients to help the area heal more quickly and efficiently.  The disc will regain motion and health and retain these benefits for a significant amount of time.

The computer uses precise calculations to create just the right amount of tension to achieve optimal results during your spinal decompression therapy. Many patients report some immediate relief to the area as well as long lasting results after continuous sessions.

Occasionally your doctor may combine other additional treatments with your spinal decompression therapy depending on your specific case.  Some of the alternate treatments include electric stimulations and heat therapy.  Ask your doctor about complimentary therapies that may be able to assist you with your recovery.  Your doctor may also be able to suggest exercises that you can do at home to help strengthen the muscles of your back to help reduce the chance of any future injuries.

Be sure to discuss all symptoms with your doctor so the two of you can work together to find a treatment plan that is going to be the most effective for your specific situation.  The number and length of treatments will be determined based on your specific case along with how well your body responds to the spinal decompression therapy.   Advise your doctor of any other health issues or concerns you may have.  While spinal decompression therapy has helped many people, there are rare cases where someone may not be a good candidate for this specific type of treatment.  Your doctor can discuss these situations with you and if needed, assist you in finding an alternate treatment plan to help with your ailments.

If you have any additional questions about spinal decompression therapy, please call us at Epic Healthcare & Physical Medicine of Flower Mound.